
importance of hand writing

Time devoted to the teaching and learning of letter formation in the early years will pay off. Legible writing that can be produced comfortably, at speed and with only minimal conscious effort allows a child to attend to the higher-level aspects of their composition and content. This is particularly relevant when assessments are based on written work, particularly in time-limited written examinations, which remain a major form of assessment for many formal qualifications. Without fast and legible handwriting, students may miss out on learning opportunities and under-achieve academically

Advantages of Hand writing

Stimulates brain activity

Children need brain and mind exercises as much as they need physical exertion. With books being replaced by screens, there is hardly any writing, only tapping and clicking. Typing is convenient, however, writing by hand is way more stimulating for the brain. Writing involves the use of more complex motor and cognitive skills. Having clear and legible handwriting also contributes to reading fluency. This is because it helps activate the visual perception of letters, directly affecting a child’s self-esteem and confidence especially during the younger years.

Boosts confidence

Writing is a personal expression. It exhibits the creative quotient of a child. It is a part of their identity and expression. While the use of technology is increasing, having a competent writing script is vital during the school years. Having a well-written script can trigger a boost in self-esteem which directly develops confidence. Children who develop their handwriting skills improve their brain functioning allowing them to achieve more.

Improved grades

Handwriting always has extra marks. In addition to helping the child, legible handwriting also helps the teacher to understand the child better during the writing process. Illegible writing causes pupils to achieve lower marks, even if the written content is competent. However, without fast and legible handwriting, students may miss out on learning opportunities and under-achieve academically, especially due to the current curriculum that most of the schools follow.